Billie Holiday La Revoila!

There are plenty of devout Christian liberals.

Have you considered a bralette or a sleeping bra (a bralette but not the lacy kind - more like tshirt material). If you want a little control and a lining-layer under your tops so you don’t feel conspicuous, they might be worth a shot. As far as legally speaking, is there a dress/image code that addresses the issue?

Ugh, I have the opposite problem. I’m 5'2-1/2", but petites are too short (29"), and regulars are too long (31"+). I need like 30.25" or something. It’s annoying, but I end up going with regulars and tailoring or wearing really high heels.

I just added it to my collection of quotes :-)

OMG, thank you! I consider myself the same, and I felt like the world had passed me by when I was reading that thread....

I *love* the contrast of this thread with the one just above it, which is full of posters who make me feel ancient and quite disturbed because i didn’t realize camisoles or velvet blazers or “going-out tops” were a particular thing “in the 2000s” other than just a decent and pretty easy thing to look good on most

Not quite “just like any other career.” Quitting because you feel like it has slightly more repercussions.

Lemme guess: you don’t live in a major city? Every apartment I had in Manhattan (as well as in Philadelphia) had a super (or a team, in larger buildings) who handled refuse in the absence of garbage chutes. I lived on the UES in small buildings; I don’t even know where a dumpster was. Only in suburban settings do I

Ha, my newly-16-year-old who got her license 2 weeks ago and absconded with my car immediately (I get it like 20 minutes per day, for urgent errands...) doesn’t even like to hold babies. She puts them and their small seemingly-easily-breakable bones in the same category as chihuahuas, birds hamsters, rabbits & other

They might be, or they might have been...then again, we’ve got several large buildings and thousands of people in NY who might feel differently. I guess my view is that you’re judged by those with whom you choose to ally yourself or associate, so while IS vs. Al Qaeda might be relevant for record-keeping or

Easy, now. I never said it was; I didn’t say a thing about myself because there’s no competition here or need to provide bona fides (in my mind, anyway). Somewhere around here tonight I posted a note about how everyone has reactions that are ... in need of monitoring and correction; I do not exempt myself from that

The eyes (and jawline and everything else apparent) are killer, BUT the man expresses himself beautifully. Smart AF. Help me, I need my fainting couch....

Another way to view these folks for whom you have so much contempt: for all their callowness (just like ANYONE infatuated with a new idea or perceived enlightenment), they have basically only taken the freshman year survey they are RIPE for truly incorporating these seeds of knowledge into an authentic,

What? Jesus. In what context? Not that it makes a difference; I just cannot imagine the brass and paranoia requred for someone to do that.

*Maybe* those things were happening, sure. But the fact that it’s even money as to which it was is a significant point in itself. (the rest of your comment should have been deleted)

Naw. Let nothing trump gracious manners.

I really hate being confronted by the reality of things that are inconceivable to me. Cannot imagine not saying thank you. (I’m equally dismayed by men who don’t hold the door, or men who don’t make eye contact or say thanks if I stop to hold it for the while they take the few more steps to get to the door).

Same with Mercedes SUVs where you live? I don’t see any high-end cars with those types of bumper stickers on them in my (pretty liberal but pretty well-off (how many Tesla’s can I count while driving my kid to school?)) neck of the woods. Nice cars, yes, but usually Foresters or an older (but not old) Audi, maybe

There’s a difference, population-percentage-wise (and - very importantly for an anthropological view of the town & its nuances - income and social habits), between the student population at UVa and the town population in Charlottesville. Outside the University, you will find the black population in C’ville to be

That’s sad but I’d probably have had the same thought process.