
I think a good option for guys who are tired of dating is contained here:

Nice guys need to stop pursuing women and this problem would end and the Nice Guy /Bad Boy debate would be over. Nice guys need to concentrate on furthering their education and career and leave women alone.

What is sad is that these PUA coaches teach these guys to be actors (portray another person) to get a woman. Even if this worked why should anyone have to do that? This is living a lie and nothing is worse than that. Guys should be themselves and if that is not good enough, so be it. Maybe you will get a date and

Nice guys need to give up on dating and concentrate on furthering their education and their career where they will see a return. Pursuing women who don’t want you is crazy.

I think a guy who can’t get a date for whatever reason (Nice Guy or just a quiet guy) might want to consider putting his efforts into furthering his education and his career where he will see a tangible return. Continuing to seek love and affection from women after repeated failures is insanity and it is painful and

I think that guys who can’t get a date for whatever reason should concentrate on furthering their education and their career where they will see a tangible return. Continuing to seek love and affection from women who are not interested is crazy. I think everyone would be much happier. The Nice Guy (or unlucky guy)

I think that guys who can’t get a date for whatever reason should concentrate on furthering their education and their career where they will see a tangible return. Continuing to seek love and affection from women who are not interested is crazy. I think everyone would be much happier. The Nice Guy (or unlucky guy)

The solution is for Nice Guys to drop out of dating. They can concentrate on their careers and education where they will see a tangible return. Everyone wins. The Nice Guy enhances his status and does not have to suffer further rejections and the women don’t have to deal with him.

You made the right choice. If your schedule and lifestyle permits, you might want to adopt a cat or a dog. They will love you forever and you will be very happy. By the way, you hit on an interesting said that you can’t do anything right...have you ever noticed that Bad Boys can do no wrong?

I think Nice Guys are gluttons for punishment. I think they should concentrate on furthering their education or advancing their career where they will actually see a tangible return. Seeking love and affection from women who are not interested in them is painful and is a waste of time.

Sodini should have given up on women years before going on this rampage. He kept trying , going to these dating “bootcamps” and failing until he snapped. He could have adopted a cat or a dog who would have loved him and relaxed and enjoyed life.

If guys can’t get a date why would they also want to get tagged with the derogatory Nice Guy label? It is adding insult to injury. The Nice Guy has the option of not pursuing women if he has crashed and burned in the dating world. If anyone asks “Why don’t you have a girlfriend?” he can just say he is busy and will