

This post is worse than Trump’s speech.

Isn’t your third eye your butthole?


I always thought they liked taking the piss out of you in England.

Should I cash out of my startup now for ~$1,00o,ooo, or stay in for the potentiality of $4-6,000,000 a few years from now (or maybe zero)?

Brilliant take. Nailed it.

Counterpoint: Absolutely not.

That’s depressing.

Great list.

How ‘bout that bankruptcy filing, eh?!

How does one become “financially successful” without being able to handle this relatively simple issue in the grand scheme of things? That’s what I would ask immediately. A bigger problem is here if the question is not bullshit.


No text list? You almost make me want to listen to the podcast. I still won’t. But almost.

Rex is looking GOOD!

If you buy a car with falcon doors and then put a baby in it, you get what you deserve.
