billy boy, noted gobshite

But…but the poncho!

Yeah, but when we do we always say "sorry".

Yeah, though to be fair I think Secret Downvoter was saying it wasn't all her fault; just that she was partly at fault—it's sort of a contributory negligence kind of argument. He also said that Cosby was a rapist and general bad person, I think. It's still a shitty victim-blaming argument (even if it's a

Given his refusal to address the allegations, I wonder if maybe a term of his settlement was that he couldn't publicly deny that it happened. The release contains something saying he doesn't admit liability, but it's possible that the release could also forbid him from discussing the matter at all. I guess such a

I can't see the difference. *squints* Oh, you've drawn public hair beside his mouth. Real mature.

A Wistful of Doldrums

It sounds good, until you find out that it has no trees and is so arid that they sometimes run out of water. Though I suppose it would do. *stealthily removes a few posters from the pile*

"Bar's a whiz with blowjobs, aren't you Bar? Never sucked cock myself—not my forte"

The army proving ground island just off the coast of Maui is also not acceptable.

Goddamn that's funny. My co-workers now think I'm crazy. Er.

Story time part two: the ex-wife believed, at age 21, that Pringles had a uniform shape because they were made from perfect potatoes—like, REALLY perfect potatoes. She wasn't dumb; I just don't think she'd given the composition of Pringles any thought after childhood.

Say Chip, have you always been Regular Potato Chip, or did you used to post under a different name? It's just for my *gestures vaguely, ominously* files.

I can't remember any, and the box is over at the ex's place. I could go and check, but I'm a busy man. *audience laughs uproariously*

I'm pleased to see that someone finally has the courage to speak out about Floating Head Syndrome.

Story time: when the ex-wife and I bought a house 15 years ago, we discovered a box full of about a hundred mint condition movie posters. The previous owner had been the projectionist at a soft-core ~Europorn theater and had kept the posters. I don't remember which movies they were, but suffice it to say there were

Of course not—being able to shoot your mouth off is one of the percs of being here.

I'm looking forward to it, as previous Melisa Wallack scripts were dilauded by critics.

Did it have something to do with restraints and the phrase "tight, tight, tight!"?

Ok, but what he's actually praising, as I read it, is Spotify's transparency—not the scraps that they hand him. He notes that Spotify has faults [the absurdly low payout, I'm guessing], but he likes that he can see how many people are accessing his music and how much his record company has been paid for that
