billy boy, noted gobshite

If the Lord of Light doesn't get you, the Grammar Slammer Bammer will

Music is none of my business!

I get unreasonably amused every time Erlich figures out what's going on when no one else can see it. I'll miss that beloved windbag.

Please explain, with dicks

Six arms, I think

If it were Tahiti Treat, I'd understand, but Fiji Water?

For whatever it's worth, my read on Ignatius is that he goes to the movies because, deep down, he loves the schlock. His open mockery of the movies is a way for him to save face and/or avoid cognitive dissonance. Consider how disappointed he was when the theatre showed a Swedish art flick that actually conformed to

Another unpleasant American immigration regulation is that Canadian visitors who take methadone for opiate addiction are medically inadmissible, as are people who admit to taking psychiatric medication (which could be an SSRI). I once openly declared I had methadone on me, and when I admitted that it was for

Ah sorry I rarely log into my old account. I see the confusion is my fault here. Obama was speaking of the Presidential Medal of Honour or Whatever that he awarded to Dylan—he said he was fine with Dylan being sort of skeptical about it, and that in fact that skepticism was sort of what people want from Dylan. I

"You're going to be a terrible mother" is the meanest thing anyone has said on this show, and that's no mean feat. Apology definitely warranted.


Dana Carvey does a pretty good Trump in his most recent stand-up special on Netflix.

"You'll love him—he's the Charles Bukowski of nursery school teachers!"

Careening into the Peeps Store, we tore at them like coyotes hungry for the hoof. A quick vertical descent on the Spongebob rollercoaster, and soon we were vomiting the pure American spirit in diagonal correction lines on the map of this travesty. Three of us died en route to the food court, unable to ascend the

Most bourbon tastes like clown vomit to me.


I don't mind my Blackberry Classic. It's free because I work for the government of a Canadian province. I can type fast with accuracy on its keypad. Sure, the screen is small and the camera sucks, but on the plus side once someone reacts really strongly to my using it I know I don't have to pay attention to them

Interesting, if true

"Whoa, Hitler" for $800, Alex

No—it's 1/3 motorboating, 1/3 pillow fighting and 1/3 scissoring.