billy boy, noted gobshite

Robeson's version of "Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child" gets points for having the delightfully bleak verse that goes, "Sometimes I feel like I'm almost gone". Can't say I'm a huge fan of Robeson's operatic vocal style on that one, though—reminds me a bit of Boris Karloff's "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch".

I don't see the contradiction. Workers in a socialist state are still entitled to get paid for their work & know on what basis they're being paid.

That sudden realization that 83% of all commenters on the a.v. club are Gentle Herpes—I bet the Germans have a word for it.

My girlfriend is a fan, having liked him in Scrubs and Garden State, so I sat through Wish I Was Here a couple of weeks ago. I'm guessing that his character in that movie is supposed to be perceived as insufferable ("what about myyyy dreams?"), but it was still pretty annoying to watch. Also, it annoyed me that his

Perhaps the person who composed the news release just happens to like big buts.

I just assumed he's really sloppy with the rogaine.

If I may sojourn between the horns of the metaphorical bull, both questions are cogent and ought to be answered in the affirmative. *pauses to wonder if a question can be cogent; decides he cares not a fuck*

Are you thinking what I'm thinking? *puts 1000 duck eyes in a blender and serves it in a frosted champagne flute*

I'm not above calling a person a fuckerwagon or omnicunt (he/she who cannot be outcunted). I also enjoy non-sequitorial blasphemy, as in "Jumping Jesus Tadpole Christ" or perhaps "John H.Q. Jesus Tittyshow Christ". The less sense, the better.

No more half portions.

Oh that reminds me…here is your copy of this month's "Baby Ass Enthusiast" *hands it over discreetly*

[begrudgingly] Loudairrr


Yes I considered that, but it's at a very strange angle given the length of his arm and his body position, plus the fact that his right arm is draped around his dad's neck. I suspect foul play (or, if you prefer, shenhandigans).

*clears throat* "Loudair…"

That photograph isn't afraid to ask the important questions, such as "where the fuck is that extra hand coming from?"

R.I.P. Zou Bisou Bisou Bisou

I would start with her perspicacity, and if I still had room I would devour her trenchant observations.

"Psst…the best meat is in the rump!"
"Oh Taylor Swift's Ass, you'll say anything!"

Aww…I just can't say no to a man who's wearing douchey epaulettes.