I had a poster of Heather Thomas on my bedroom wall when I was in grade 6. She was wearing a pink bikini and was standing in a hot tub. Her camel toe was a glory to behold.
I had a poster of Heather Thomas on my bedroom wall when I was in grade 6. She was wearing a pink bikini and was standing in a hot tub. Her camel toe was a glory to behold.
Star Wars VII: The Farce Commences
Now I have the dad from The Brak Show intoning the word "bachelorrrrr" in my head (from the episode where he runs against Galrog). It's simply wonderful, if you haven't seen it.
Damn, I thought they were going to hurl Rogen off a five-storey building.
"I lose someting like 20 pound on dat night!" - Jean "Angus" Chretien
I'll always imagine him playing simple 4/4 with a lit cigarette dangling from his lips. It's beautiful, in its way.
I'm really happy that you responded! If I were conservative I'd be hesitant to admit it around these parts. It's good to hear that at least some people from both sides of the political spectrum want to listen to and learn from each other, even if they don't necessarily agree.
I guess we'll have to wait a bit longer to find out where it is that Hodors go.
Barbara. Yeah, the show didn't give us much information about her.
Also killing at least one husband/boyfriend in anger. Was it just Richie? I forget.
Oh, poor you!
Oh, so did I. The show invests a lot more time in making us identify with or at least understand Tony. Janice is a threat to Tony, and is therefore easy to hate.
Little Silvio sure likes putting that bear rug on his head!
But that's just a bag of rock salt!
I'm not sure that Janice was appreciably worse than Tony—they're both manipulative murderers. Tony had the power because he's the son in a patriarchal system, but I always saw the two of them as being cut from the same fucked cloth.
I'm anxious to see the platter on which Livia gives her children her life.
"I don't wanna live in Newark!"
"No one does."
Hey look, everyone, an old man's talking!
Fair enough. I think I tried the Greek but not the Cyrillic (which I can read even though I generally won't understand it, having taken three months of Russian in university once). The Greek one didn't quite match a regular "c", whereas your "c" matches the normal one perfectly. I guess I should have looked harder.
Watchmen be damned—I choose to read this in the voice of Matthew McConaughey.