billy boy, noted gobshite


Ah, Arcade Fire: the Cirque de Soleil of pop rock.

Ehw tosh, what twaddle!

Thus paving the way for 10 consecutive years of Ricky Gervais' "ain't I a stinker" face.

That reminds me: Eat Up Martha, would you mind…rubbing some of that powder…onto my lips?

Upon hearing the festive jingling of wallet chains, the residents knew that once again Dickwads Day had arrived.

Ow, my brain. Damn your dackwards day, Xanderpuss!

I had edyma in my ankles once. The doctor said it wouldn't go away. 'Well, what the hell does he know?', I said, and I rubbed them for a half hour, every day. Pretty soon, it got so's I could walk up stairs a little; it got so's I could … take a walk. Now the things are swollen and it's like I'm walking on baby

I never saw Bill's grin in Eraserhead as idiotic. Completely barking mad, yes, but not idiotic. I mean, could an idiot put every damn pipe in this neighborhood?

Ha, I was going to say the same thing. I even wrote Kennydale to ask what the fuck, and the response was "it may not look like it, but that's John Swartzwelder's signature". As Swartzwelder IS Kennydale books, it's basically an e-mail from the man himself. For a while I thought maybe Swartzwelder was a pseudonym,

"How 'bout this: you're born. You live. You go on some diets. You die." - Opus

Those are some good sundaes at Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe…and damn good cherry pie! *unicorn waltzes with Dilton Doiley*

Sadly, the jalopy was retired years ago. Now he drives a mere jalopy equivalent.

^^^ That scene is up there with my favorite Omar Little moments. "These here are my daddy tools…"

*checks fixed sentence; pauses* Eh, close enough.

But Captain Caveman gets a no-prize!

We don't use hormonal contraception (not sure if the I.U.D. used hormones, but in any even she took it out about five years ago). There are no other changes that I'm aware of, but as I said it's better now than it was. Her scent also changes based on where she is in her cycle.

Lousy mooching war widows…

I'm sorry about the drama queen/mind games remark, as that wasn't called for. I've gone back and redacted & will shut up now.

I take your point about projecting—having suffered from anxiety I'm more prone to interpreting his behavior as stemming from anxiety. It's possible that it has nothing to do with anxiety, e.g. he doesn't like giving backrubs because he doesn't get any pleasure out of it, which would be a big red flag. You describe