billy boy, noted gobshite

If that's true, I might consider giving up my loge seats to Dik's upcoming opera.

D'oh! Though in my defence, I can't see where your mouth is.

I like those odds!

I was trying to say that it isn't a big deal, though maybe by remarking on it I'm making it seem like a big deal. Basically, what I was saying is that it's a disappointment.

One of my dad's old 1970s pornos had a scene with multiple partners, and at one point Ron Jeremy just started blowing himself. I thought it'd be so great to do that, until I actually could when I was 15 or so [out of innate weird flexibility, as opposed to any great physical endowment]. It's like giving yourself a

30 seconds into his tobasco enema, he's sure to ask you to marry him, if only you'll stop.

He's been expanding beyond the Newswire—there was some sort of promotion/change a month or two ago I think. I'd guess that it's all part of Modell's "Please God Don't Leave Us For the Dissove or Vox or Whatever the Hell Website It Is You Might Go To If You Were So Inclined" plan. It means fewer O'Neal Newswire

Woozle wuzzle?

Hey! Thomas is a very useful engine!

And groom-to-be Geir has a friend named Humbert Humbert. I have to respect poor Geir for doing a fake wedding to a 12-year-old (again, to raise awareness)—not exactly a role that's likely to win him anything except death threats, at least until everyone figures out it's a campaign.

Sorry to alarm you.

I think it's to raise awareness of the child bride issue.

This is fantastic news for Thea, the 12-year-old Norwegian girl who's getting married to a 37-year-old man.

Oh I like it too, especially "I've been through Hell—what good did it do?" It's just so over the top angry and violent it reads as crazy to me. It's probably my favorite song on Tempest—well, that and "Scarlet Town".

Fair play. I omitted Like a Rolling Stone because I got sick of it after listening to many, many concert tapes (ditto "All Along the Watchtower"). Never much liked Mobile, though it has its moments. Re "Every Grain of Sand", I agree it's a great song—especially the Bootleg Series version, which just sounds so much

Replace "Joey" with "Visions of Johanna", "Brownsville Girl" with "Mississippi", and "If You See Her" with "Shelter From the Storm" (live Hard Rain version) and we're pretty similar. Maybe "Isis" instead of "Nobody 'Cept You", though I like the latter song a lot. I'd also go with the Hard Rain version of "Idiot

Not really. There's very little in the way of generally available outtakes from that period, excepting the Oh Mercy outtakes. Factor in 2 albums of traditional folk songs, an album of Christmas songs and an album of lyrics written mostly by Robert Hunter and you're not left with very much. I guess that since

I'll fuck them, but I won't like it!

Ah but if they dropped her, you'd miss her sweet Laurel Canyon insights! [with apologies to Lord Lucan for basically stealing his joke]

Marlboro reds, incidentally Marah, are not an unfiltered cigarette. I can understand not caring about the details if you're a non-smoker, but then don't add in details like "unfiltered". *lights Camel straight; rides own melt*