billy boy, noted gobshite

Just be one of the first ten to comment on an O'Neal article & pretend that the article is unclear or offer some half-baked, dumbass criticism of the article to annoy him. Works every time! He won't delete you, but he will scold you in five words or less.

Those songs are great. I also love the sneering glory of "New Pony", the melody and rhymes of "We Better Talk This Over", and the huge build-up of "Where Are You Tonight (Journey Through Dark Head)". The rest of the album never meant anything to me.

His version of "A Satisfied Mind" from the "Saved" album is pretty fine, I think, and a good example of him being able to sing actual notes when so inclined. I like the "Slow Train Coming" album a lot even though I'm a person of zero faith—the performances are amazing. I can't listen to lines like "a real suicide

I'll stick with my old one that ends at 1985. I like the newer stuff, even though Bob Dylan has clearly gone crazy (see: "Pay in Blood"). I find his lyrics get simpler and less interesting as he gets older, though there are little moments I like.

A reverse Bob Seger!

Krusty's emotional rendering of "well" in his "Down that well!" ranks second in greatest singing Krusty moments, having been edged out by his incomparable emoting of the word "eagle" in "The Wind Beneath My Wings". Whoever animated those moments did a glorious job, as did Castallaneta of course.

It's true: these ghostbusters will have no dick.

…a déclaré Monsieur Kilmister

Perhaps a tooth-whitening breakfast cereal? Or skin-whitening.

The haiku comment
Needs a capper at the end
To scare away Death

You're thinking of the ballet.

Why I oughta! *falls asleep at desk*

But pausing sex to point out contradictions in the Bible is the only way I can come! I particularly enjoy licking footnotes in scholarly biblical criticism, but I'm flexible enough to work orally.

How does anyone get over an addiction? Meth use like that of the twink you described is ugly, but your behavior is also centered around craving and reward. The rewards always diminish over time, but the addicted brain keeps craving the things that have worked in the past. It's insanity, and you may ask yourself "my

Zat vas 15 minutes ago!

*Wyman Manderly winks, belches*

They go to the isle of Skankos.

I hate the fucking eagles!

Barsanti is more like the night watchman. He stumbles into O'Neal's office in the wee hours between 6 and 9 p.m. O'Neal has his head down on the desk beside an empty whiskey bottle:

That's because Mr. Johansen treats his McDonald's employees with dignity!