Bookies in Cardiff must have a terrible time of it, what with all their patrons constantly welching on their bets.
Bookies in Cardiff must have a terrible time of it, what with all their patrons constantly welching on their bets.
I spent the weekend reading a biography of Tom Waits ("Low Side of the Road"). Initially I felt some guilt about purchasing a book that the subject was dead against, being a very private person. Then I remembered that I'm a monster & dove right in.
But with a filmed sex scene, one performance can disappoint people all over the world!
Bilked the bock.
Baargh a territory baargh!
Baargh a baargh a Shia LaBoeuf baargh.
I don't know who wrote this piece of inspired lunacy, but I suspect it was George Meyer:
If you can think of a better way to make Homer's patented moon waffles, I'd like to hear it.
Don't make me tap the "It is permissible to misspell words intentionally when making a pun" sign.
Doesn't all that typing just make your hands dirty?
*spielbergo snorts derisively from atop his mountain of upvotes; is crushed by O'Neal's cartoon foot*
"I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Khaail…"
What's it like working for NASA?
Columbia Mall in Grand Forks, North Dakota.
I thought it was for the glory. You know—the glory of being a no-talent ass-clown?
I'd say the amount of pleasure you'd be likely to derive from it is inversely proportional to your need to control things (in life, generally). I've dropped a lot of acid over the years…*leans forward, opens a drawer to reveal it is full of owls pointing at him*…but I can let go of things pretty easily. On my…
Well, I'm seeing him live in just over a week, so we'll just have to see if he's truly ok with requests for "Summer of '69".
Of course! Hell, Canadians will apologize if you step on their foot, as though they ought to have known not to put there foot there.
Ruh roh, Raggy—Ryron Raidams!
Totally understandable answer: the scene in Watership Down with Art Garfunkel singing "Bright Eyes".