billy boy, noted gobshite

Ah that's a shame; I've grown attached to him.

He prefers to be called Lord Schlong.

He's jacking it old school!

I wonder if it was Harrelson's idea to do 90% his lines as though his bottom lip was crammed full of dip. You can even see him take out a can of dip and start slapping it after a court scene. I thought it was a nice Loosiana touch, given the ubiquity of smokeless tobacco down south.

I don't think he makes stuff like that up without adding stuff like "he might as well have said" or other indicators of satire. That way, the AVC avoids libel suits.

McConaughey's role had the better lines, I think. I'd love it if they re-shot the whole first season, but with the two lead actors switching roles.

Watching this, I'm struck by how good a job Woody Harrelson did in approximating the Louisiana accent of people like Captain Stuart Murphy (though maybe Murphy's accent isn't all that different from Harrelson's Texas accent).

Hack or not, I'm still fond of the Irish Drinking and Fighting Song.

It's a different joke, the "Mark" being a homonym in Leith for "more" (as opposed to "my" as in Mike Hunt). "We all want Mark Hunt," the patrons say (or something to that effect).

I'm sure there are dozens of Michael Hunts out there who greatly prefer Michael to Mike.

Jerry wearing Golden Boy?

"This is all I have," said the owl from his bed, affecting a touching pathos in its voice and holding out a soiled and bent cigarette butt in its wing.

I think I speak for all of us when I say GAHHHHHHH.

There was an interesting court case from the House of Lords called Brown in which there was an S&M club where members did things like put nails through each others' genitals. The issue, if I remember correctly, was whether the common law prohibits such behavior (given that it is consensual). The limits of consent is

I never knew the name for it, I just remember my mother (who worked in a hospital lab) hearing of a patient coming in with a pencil stuck up his urethra. The thought pains me. I've had swabs put up there briefly and I screamed, after which my urine felt like broken glass for a day.

Paff! In my day, when we wanted to smell burning camel shit we just bought a pack of Camel straights and rode our beloved melt.

You don't wanna go dahn THAT poaht!

Their putrid, rotten canned fish is inferior to our putrid, rotten canned fish!

I killed who in the where now?