billy boy, noted gobshite

Having watched the last few seasons, when I see some of those season 14-17 episodes I have a renewed appreciation for them. Hell, I recently re-watched Homer Scissorhands from a year or two ago and there were some great lines in it. The trick is not to compare them to seasons 4-6.

People who hate that episode have forgotten the number one rule of show business: kill Homer Simpson. Woe to they who have not built their cities on rock and roll.

He'd Ratner not say. *runs out of room, crying*

Richard Linklater sure doesn't look 54 years old—clearly I must have made some poor lifestyle choices. *resumes huffing furniture polish*

Well, it probably won't have Zach Galifianakis' mad, bearded head superimposed on the head of a fish, so no.

The real test to find out if someone is Canadian is to take them out of Canada and wait about 30 seconds for them to tell you they are Canadian.

"Beans: are they a meal, or are they someone's idea of a meal? Are we racing to a red light? Are we having the wrong conversation? Well then I guess we better start having the right fucking conversation." - Heinz pitch

Police haus!

*zombie stares in bewilderment at assortment of forks and spoons; chooses oyster fork; uses it to remove eyeball of live victim; chews thoughtfully as Mozart's divertimento in C major plays*

It's a civic holiday up here, which partially explains why I'm still in my pajamas, rubbing ketchup on my belly.

Police cops!

Timmy! Timmyyy! I have the telephone on top of the computer, now how do I download us some turnips for tonight's dinner?


Sorry. "Rusty and dull" would have made sense, but it would have been over-the-top. I don't know what'd work, really, if you had to stick to two adjectives. At any rate, I still like it a lot, even if it isn't perfect.

*misses, loses balance and lands in a tub of butterscotch*

What really sells it is the "not even", as though this were a particularly surprising and heartbreaking betrayal.

"But I thought the rock was due!"

Ok, but when I hear the word "edgy" I generally interpret as "having a pronounced edge", i.e. sharper. Hence, edgy in comedy is supposed to indicate sharper comedy, more cutting, etc. I know what he's trying to say with "dull", but throwing in "edgy" does nothing for me but confuse things (and add syllables). I

Oh I agree—I tried, perhaps unsuccessfully, to make the point that I don't necessarily need to have similar demographic characteristics of a comic to find a comic funny; it's just easier sometimes. At the end of the post, I wrote that I was able to find non-mes funny, but I probably should have added that there is

Too many syllables. I think it'd have to be "I try the engine, but the engine doesn't turn".