Baseball is a relic of a gone-and-forgotten America eulogized only by assholes like Keith Olbermann and George F. Will.
“So, how much does something like that cost? I’m just asking. For a friend.”
Easy mistake to make, Tom. After all, there are a lot of kids who are sick and tired of being sick and tired because they weren’t vaccinated.
Don’t worry about it. I confuse Jim Carrey and Fannie Lou Hammer all the time.
You know, as GoonerGuyHere said “don’t care” - I kinda realized your kinja ediquite is really poor here:
As punishment you should be put in a tiny room and be forced to watch an Eagles (playoff) game with this guy.
don’t care
Give the guy all the crap you want, I think ComcastSportsNet’s Republican Town Hall is off to a great start.
Pretty lame that you guys actually respond to critical comments. Says so much
I was hoping this was a sponsored post. Never see them on here anymore...
Yep, and we just didn’t cover anything else today at all
I’m so relieved this story is finally being covered. I don’t think sports’ media has made an honest effort to cover this big, big story. I mean, Deadspin alone has barely contributed five articles to it. How is anyone going to be able to form an opinion on the content without full coverage? Bravo Deadspin!
I mean, passive-aggressive is exactly how he played the power forward position post-knee surgery.
Ten replies without a direct answer? Webber’s a natural professor.
Webber needs a timeout..(I know.....I know)
Like my dad always said, “Once you braid, you don’t get laid.”
Bronson Arroyo.
Cuz that’s a real “hair-don’t”.