I wanted one of these soooo bad in High School.
I came here to make sure the work harder Cadillac Douchebag was included. What a tool. Can’t remember which car company released a rival ad going the other way. It was very cool.
I remember a John Force interview from many years ago describing similar incident. Standard Force 100 words per second describing the launch and subsequent explosion, then he paused, “I saw Elvis at a thousand feet” at a normal speaking rate. Then back to full speed.
My Mom bought a 2004 in 2005. Solid car. 200 hp for an American car that size was pretty good back then. She drove it for 16 years, very reliable.
Hypothetical conversation from the driver.
‘They second time my car drove itself into a train was unexpected.” or something like that.
Probably a tiny amount of weed.
After what, 60 minutes and 35 miles, before getting home (I presume), the man’s Cybertruck needed a detail. Unless they considered cleaning up the coolant mess a detail job.
Imagine if it didn’t have the huge panel gaps.
The DJTSTP has a nice ring to it.
The price of the Rolls is less than the sales tax on the Bugatti.
. . . and bookmarked for my next trip to or through ABQ.
There used to be. I grew up in the southwest suburbs. In the 80s had to go to New Lenox, about 20 miles away, for the closest one. Had friends out that way, so would usually swing by. When I got my drivers license, would make it a destination.
Makes me wonder what ever happened to “Cash for Gold”. Just put your extra gold jewelry in an envelope and mail it off . . .
I’m eating a huge Honeycrisp right now. Cut up and sprinkled with Tajín.
Growing up we had a 1980 Ford F-250 XLT, extended cab, long bed . . . Only way it fit in the garage was to pull in and place the bumper guards between the wall studs.
I’ve been to El Charro, and BOCA, will definitely vouch for both, especially El Charro downtown. Presidio San Agustin del Tucson is definitely worth a visit, a block from El Charro. Recreation of the old fort on the original site.
This may win the internet today.
Easy one. Chevy Pickup.