The Root is cheering that Trump couldn’t get a black man out of prison, Too funny.
The Root is cheering that Trump couldn’t get a black man out of prison, Too funny.
What an ignorant flabby armed woman.
It was clearly staged. You have to be stupid to think it wasn’t a political stunt.
This has been the whole point of the non binary gender bs. You get to walk around as a social landmine waiting to morally explode on anyone that dares use normal social conventions for pronouns and accuse them of being ignorant. We are biologically wired to recognize male and female sexes, but its impossible with non…
Ordered two packs. Trump 2020!
One strafe by close air support would cause everyone to run in the opposite direction.
I wonder how many black men will be killed after watching this film because they fought the police in “self defense”. Definitely not as many that will be killed in black on black crime, but black people are delusional in the danger they think they are in when dealing with police. It begins with the lack of a father…
I would buy a POC ticket and sue the shit out of them when they denied me entry.
Now if only they could beat a boys high school team.
Now if only they could beat a boys high school team.
Ill just stop paying taxes.
The fact that black people overwhelmingly vote democrat doesn’t mean white people that vote with a fair less majority for Republicans are racists. Its an absurd argument and Democrats have never done anything for black people other than make them an underclass that thinks government will solve their problems.
Just move so you will be happy. Fuck, you get paid to trash America in America. Go to your non existent Utopia that doesn’t exist and die in your paradise that never will exist.
Black people are fing animals.
So creative. Your animal instincts can only think of crime and violence. Sad.
Truth hurts huh?
Black people are fing animals.
Because non binary is a made up fad and your biology will never change if you decide to present as a different gender. It is science and there is nothing you can do to change it. There are two genders and nothing will ever fully make you the other. It is a fact. The machine isn’t wrong, your social delusion is.
You first
That is only because leftist lawyers started teaching people who didn’t want to go through the legal immigration process to request asylum and overload the system so they could stay long enough for them to make leftists cry that they have been here so long they should be allowed to stay despite their invalid claim.…