Billary Hogan

This is the most naive opinion that would create absolute anarchy. California essentially decriminalized petty theft to combat disproportionate arrests against minorities and petty theft Skyrocketed because it became a low risk, high reward crime. Leftists think with their feelings and not their brains.

Oh the entitlement of so called minorities that think they should have the freedom of being racist, but claim they can’t be racist because of some “system of oppression”. What a bunch of self victimizing bullshit. 

The dude wore a dragonballz tshirt to testify. His judgment is questionable for that reason alone. 

LOL, black people are so criminal that they consider voting at a police station voter suppression. 

“It’s hunting season for young black men”.... 90% of interracial violence between white and black people are black on white crime. All the media shows are white on black crime so morons get their confirmation bias with this ignorant narrative.

To study abroad in nordic countries, Americans need a daily balance of 10,000 dollars or they are kicked out of the country.

This is why we need to build the wall and keep illegal immigration a criminal offense.

The only reason you would choose they/them pronouns would be to have the ability to act as a victim when someone dares used the pronouns based on their sex. You just walk around like a social landmine waiting to explode on anyone who dares use social conventions that have been in use for thousands of years.

Doesn’t make it relevant. Non binary is a complete sham designed to divide society. 

Wow, the genderless brigade is certified insane! Sorry, the world you want will never exist. Genderless is an ideology, biology is science. 

Oh yeah, you would never attempt to invent a derogatory slang word to call your political opponents, you are so much better than the.... Trumpanzees. The hypocrisy is hilarious. 

More like black people cannot stop killing each other because they grow up in broken families. 

More like experiences of self victimization can flood the body with stress hormones. Black people actively seek out instances of racism when dealing with white people. They cannot take any negative interaction with a white person without attributing racism to it. What a sad existence. Break off from the democratic

Black people need to quit committing over 50 percent of murders in this country and pretend that white people are your biggest threat.

Booker looks like an SNL version of a politician. The only leftist with crazier eyes is AOC.

The G league wouldn’t be abandoned because it is basically a prospect and training league. It has value to the NBA even if it lost money. The WNBA is purely because they do not want the optics of cancelling the womens league. Most of the best WNBA players play in europe in the fall where they make more money than in

Women sports do not make as much money as men sports. It doesn’t matter if you are a world cup champion, there are thousands of men better than anyone on the womens national team and most people simply don’t care to spend money on you. Economics and freedom of choice is a B. 

Black people should try two parent parenting first before trying progressive parenting. It would solve most of your communities problems. 

The citizens of Baltimore should really stick it to Trump and stop killing each other for a few days. 

They sure tea bagged you all last election, so I would say you were effectively owned in the end.