Billary Hogan

How about they stop trying to invade the country and demand citizenship without going through the legal process? Seems simple enough. 

So what is the solution? People are illegally entering the country and a lot of them are entering with children that aren’t theirs. The ACLU was part of the lawsuit that decided when immigrant children could be detained. The 3 stipulations are that they arrive at the border alone, they arrive with non relatives, or

Yet, it is impossible to find ocean level rise data for the last 10-20 years.

I bet a whole lot of Police would quit. There is no use working a dangerous job where use of force is often necessary when you can be thrown in jail the second it gets any media coverage. This is just another example of a liberal pipe dream that will lead to unintended consequences. Black people just rioted after a

To black people, shoplifting is simply “walking out of the store with item”. The culture of crime in the black community is the reason black people are locked up in mass. 

I think it is sad that black parents allow their kids to steal from stores and see nothing wrong with it.

Looks like he took a liver shot knock out from the wall.

Black people commit over 50% of murders as 13% of the population, but you better watch out for them white folks!

Black nationalist terrorism must stop now! There is no excuse for black people as 13% of the population to be responsible for over 50% of murders and violent crime!

A VP telling people trained to be high ranking military officers that they will probably see action in their career and you cry about it? Oh, because Pence is white and this site can’t stand white people. 

Its contradicting because they hold the views that white people are both evil for moving into an area and changing the demographics, or if they move out and they change the demographics. 

If white people move into a neighborhood, it is gentrification. If white people move out of a neighborhood it is white flight. The left loves contradicting opinions. 

By the clinton standard, she gets to destroy all her devices bleachbit her server and hand over the emails her and her lawyers decide the FBI should see and the FBI cannot seize her server. That is the precedent Hillary set.  

What?!?!?! Black people solving problems with violence?!?! Who knew! Don’t cry about your crime rates blaming white oppression. 

This is the scourge of black supremacists who think they are entitled to lie and commit acts of violence under the pretense of their self victimization. 

“Because black people are disproportionately locked up, it follows that black children suffer the most from this nationwide trend.”

Men are disproportionately locked up as well. Does that mean there is sexism in the justice system, or is there a reason for the disparity?

More like we need to educate black people to not resist,fight, and disarm cops.

So confederate statues that remind of slavery are evil, but a slavery plantation is a reminder of history? Get your outrage together. 

LOL at black people, 13% of the population demanding disproportionate representation in TV and Movies.