
Hillary Clinton ran an unsuccessful campaign, but to say she ran a bad campaign is disingenuous. Should she have campaigned more in black neighborhoods? According to the results of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan, sure. Could she have made greater attempts at reaching out to rural voters, even though they’re not

Pedophile said what?

Not a bot, not paid. JL is a phony and Bill Clinton is a rapist, pedophile and syphillitic (sp.) old bastard with a bent penis.

Thank God my kids are no where near your socialist clutches. Useful idiot.

Hee, hee! You got me internet spell checker, you got me! Boy, I guess that means I should “delete my account”, huh?

You’ve mixed up phoney and productive. He’s a 100% phoney whose 100% effective at making himself money and a name. Whatever he started doing right, he has ended up doing wrong.

When all he does is feather his own nest, take care of his own (only) and indicts a man for racism when there is no evidence that he is a racist, then I’d say that old fucker is past his sell by date.

Nice tweak on the “jerk store” line. Be original, please.

John Lewis is phoney. He’s been riding that EP Bridge shit for 50 years.

That would be my story if I was arrested with Eddie Murphy...

Completely unsettling. Had a difficult time maintaining my appetite for the fight after witnessing that fiasco.

Hitlery Cunton lost, you goober!

That never gets old. He pants-ed her at every turn. Serves her right, the twat.

Don’t have any. Progressives are Shakers with no manual skills, no Jesus and just grumpy.

We have seven kids in our family and everyone over 18 voted for Trump. That is 6 of 9 who voted for Trump.

You got her a mother who can spell for shit.

I couldn’t deal with her. Couldn’t vote for her because of her husband. Why does that bother you?

Thank you!

What do you think a reasonable price for a used Tiger would be?

So, I heard you say, “buy the plane”, correct?