
Yep...she’s shit.

Yes. The faggots are pissing their skinny pants over this and it’s funny as hell!

Sayonara, sweetie. Don’t let the door hit you in your big over-cushioned backside, fattie!

Thanks for letting everyone in the thread know and they seem completely unaware. I suggest you spend time letting each one know individually. Your mission awaits.

So, it’s illegal for a person to drive with just their underwear, or is Alanis King just a lazy, shit writer?

Once left my Xmas lights up until July. Do you have any idea how pissed off I am that I didn’t live next to you that year?

no, that neighbor was passive aggressive. i’m just aggressive an asshole.

Another libturd, tough guy keyboard warrior. Punch your groin. You’re not using it.

And you have how many billions? Millions? Thousands? Aw, forget about it.

Thanks, Pat! When I haven’t read a salty libturd take on the election in over an hour, I can always come by one of the derivative Gawker blog-screeds and get a “cryin’ like a bitch” hot take from one you jealous faggots.

Yes. This. +1

Your tears are delicious. Keep posting that irrelevant b.s.

Wow. You’re on a roll, Amelia. Love to talk about yourself, huh? Trying to stay awake here.

You’re actually projecting your own prejudice, but what could one expect from an uneducated prole.

Did you know that Hilary’s husband is a known, proven rapist? Did you know that she signed off on it, too? All so she can muff dive. She’s a pig.

Except that Donald Trump doesn’t use the “n” word, but this black guy does.

On the upside, Hil-bot 2016 supporters will have a sous-chef ready for them come November 9th when Donald J. Trump wipes that fat, pant-suited dingleberry off the electoral anus of America.

On the upside, Hil-bot 2016 supporters will have a sous-chef ready for them come November 9th when Donald J. Trump wipes that fat, pant-suited dingleberry off the electoral anus of America.

On the upside, Hil-bot 2016 supporters will have a sous-chef ready for them come November 9th when Donald J. Trump wipes that fat, pant-suited dingleberry off the electoral anus of America.

On the upside, Hil-bot 2016 supporters will have a sous-chef ready for them come November 9th when Donald J. Trump wipes that fat, pant-suited dingleberry off the electoral anus of America.