Red Herring

You took this way too seriously.

Is this going to be posted on here every day from now on? My vote is CP just for the persistence factor.

that is a spectacular thing to learn for the day. thank you

Fun fact: those mud flaps are Warner Brothers' oldest continuous license agreement item.

If all I had seen was the CL add, NP, but with the confusing back story, the magical jump in price, and the lack of a list of things that were fixed I say CP. Looks like this guy bought it, enjoyed it for a bit, and is trying to flip it for some quick cash (or trade). Give me a reason for the $4500 jump in price, then

Andrew, Go home... its 8am, you've been up all night and your drunk.

You read it!! AND you're still talking about it! I win!

glad i wasn't the only one to notice it

Sorry Doug, but it looks 10 times better in black.

Now playing

This is a common occurrence in the Empire stronghold of Frankfurt.

Nah. Just like a Ford mechanic fixing carbon build-up, it's well know in the tie fighter community ( that you need to take the beryllium drive up to 6000 rpm occasionally to clear out the 'bantha fodder' that builds up on the plasma coils. They just got a little too judicious with their throttle inputs.

Those are not TIE pilots.

I love the way the two stormtroopers are posed. One sitting on the armco basically thinking, 'We are in so much shit.' The other leaning against the downed Tie, trying to look all nonchalant, 'Nothing to see here. Move along.'

Well played. I like the cut of your jib, sir.

what you did there, I see it.

The exhaust pipe makes a U-turn, then returns & empties into the cab to help you forget your troubles as you drive this nightmare.

"You come out of the turn on to the straight and stomp the gas, and the uncut speed-heroin gets injected between your toes, and every sensible thought you had gets blasted out the back of your skull. "

Dear resident,