Anybody want a peanut?
Your dooing it wrong.
Nothing humble about that. You win, and God bless.
Wolverines! (I was 12. Give me a break.)
He's just trying to relate.
I quit going to Pizza Hut because they cut the server's hours to avoid Obamacare. My wife and I now make our own pizza and it is way better, bacon or not. And if you have to have bacon, have it with a garlic and olive oil sauce, accompanied with taleggio cheese, arugula and fig jam.
They forgot naked models in body paint.
I see dead people.
Anything? Like wash the car?
Stefon says hi.
Libby, why you hatin' on Indiana?
Skyline: Causing Farts Since 1949
Eh, Des Moines (pronounced Dez Moy-nez when I was younger) is pretty hip. I suggest:
Heh heh. You said "behind."
I used to be a receipt checker at a big box store. I would fart and see how long it took for the customers to notice. They usually figured it out just as they were exiting out the door. I was never blamed for it.