Bear said......”Iams full”.
The SEC even does media guide errors better. On page 178, after Vanderbuilt’s schedule, they accidentally left in ‘BLESS THEIR HEARTS’.
Brad Paisley is in his 70s?
Rob’s ankle was broken during the wrestling portion of the match
This is such a shame because Arizona is otherwise known for its longstanding history of rational, levelheaded thinking and decision-making.
Get your paws off of me you damned dirty catcher!
Lighten up, Francis.
“You’re not that fucking good, Alex.”
That’s a pretty good Don Zimmer impression.
Fine, xenophobic is over the top, my apologies. But I just don't get why this story is dripping with such hate for people from the Midwest. Hate on cheap people who don't tip. I get that part of the stereotyping is because some asshole left a picture of Jesus instead of a tip (which is a really, really crappy thing…
A Streetcar Named Depends.
Let it flow out brotha, like: LOOK MAN, I AIN'T FALLIN' FOR NO BANANA IN MY TAILPIPE.
Wouldn't be the first puppet regime from a LBJ.
"But then came Solomon Hill, flying in from under the basket to grab Stuckey's dead bird"
equal parts hilarious incompetence and impressive determination
Ah, ok, I see the diamonds with her. This explains so much.
I predict that "He save bread" will become the new "monogrammed coffee thermoses."
I puked from chemo last night... #humblebrag
Mario Mendoza is SO jealous!