According to the Hartford Courant, the show was on September 25th.
According to the Hartford Courant, the show was on September 25th.
I fucking knew UB40 would rear it’s ugly head in the Kavanaugh debate at some point!
Anyone else picturing the “I got her numbah, how you like dem apples?” scene from Good Will Hunting here?
I wonder when in 1985 the incident took place - because I believe based on an extensive, 37 second research effort, that Kavanaugh would’ve been underage to consume alcohol in CT during some point in 1985. Throwing ice, instead of beer, might’ve been the responding cops way of avoiding whatever paperwork was required…
Yeah, I’m not sure that applies though. That was in the 70s, the 80s, and things have changed a lot since then, about what’s acceptable behaviour, and the rules of tennis. Also, I saw John McEnroe once refuse to stop his harangue and accumulating penalties until he essentially forfeited a match. So in the context of…
I’m old enough to remember John McEnroe’s temper on the court, and he was WAY more of a dick back then and got away with MUCH more shit than Serena has.
“this isn’t the first or worst instance of abusing an official in her career.”
Hey, don’t knock Our Nation’s Marie Antionette!
I like a really spicy bloody Mary. The rest, I have no use for—but I miss drinking in the morning like I sometimes did as a young man on the weekend. A shower beer is one of the great joys of life.
There is no denial in that tweet.
I mean.. her tweet isn’t even an actual denial..
Has anyone measured how long, after denying incipient plans to leave, do Trump appointees actually last in their positions?
I have already read the book she has yet to write and it lacks substance:
I’m sure she is thinking of leaving, though not because her conscience is nagging at her.
I mean, based on the current pattern, she’s going to be replaced by someone much worse. Maybe ... Steve Miller?