
Also, spending money is not synonymous with wealth.

Rewind 60 years and the people commenting against these protests would similarly be asking those sitting in at the Woolworth’s counter to please move already so people can go about their day.  But, you know, respectfully.

Yes, yes they are. Because they expect the promised range, and that is how Tesla calculated that range. There is no defending this.

As someone working for another car manufacturer and doing mechanical engineering for battery packs this article is quite funny. But I can see where your confusion is coming from. This time at least it’s not a bug, it’s a feature.

“... one of the Cybertruck’s lead engineers...”

Since most are driven to the Starbucks drive thru...

They do make a 4cyl hybrid that gets 35mpg city (actually 36)—it’s called the Highlander. You can’t force people to buy the car they really need.

without issuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....

Damn! That’s some sore losers there. Oh, and good luck with that, you fucking morons.

How does that air filter come out?  Does it just slid straight out or do you need to undo a clasp somewhere?  Also what is that cross stitched material on the fire wall?  That’s some next level crazy to have the firewall match the interior.

Thank you for being a virtual friend.

Still unsure why everyone is lamenting the lack of a Netflix app. Would much rather have a “Golden Girls” app called VRthur.

Counterpoint: Billy Joel was on-screen during a single Yankees game this year for more time than Taylor was all NFL season. The crowd sang Piano Man to him, he watched and clapped, and then when he mouthed the chorus, the crowd lost their ever-loving minds, as one would. How is Taylor more distracting than that?

Well the GOP is mad at her just for saying people should get out and vote, so this wouldn’t help.

Interesting mental gymnastics for the hardcore MAGAs to think San Francisco, of all cities, is part of their cause.

Taylor Swift doesn’t need her mansion, as she gets to live rent-free in all of these idiots’ heads.

Imagine how much further ahead the planet would be if she did the offsets without the private double jetting. 

Cause carbon offsets are bullshit?

I will watch whatever dogshit movie/show they put out with that character in it. 

This movie is going to be utterly bonkers, as the two or three people who see it will report to us.