
And as emphasized above those are devices not intended for more extreme use cases where damage could be more likely.

A quick list of the monarch’s domestic powers:

Meanwhile my Garmin Fenix gets something like a week and a half on one charge lol.

Herb Spanfeller is dead set on maximizing profit with as little overhead as possible. Expect things to continue on a downward trajectory.

Uuuuuh, I would argue that with I am Legend he found the exact opposite of the original work’s true core given that ending.

A LOT can change in 13 years from an infrastructure and technology standpoint. Imagine where we were with EVs in 2009 compared to now and that was without any sort of ban.

But since it’s not a street legal car and made for the track the real question is would it beat an M3 at the track? I’m going to say yes.

As someone who only keeps up with F1 through sites like this I was excited to try and attend the Vegas race. So much for that idea.

Yeah, fuck all those people for not driving.

The Fox Body comment; they’re upset they bought a car without the features they wanted? How does this speak to the model itself?!

It’s the antithesis to Netflix’s approach; spend as little as possible for as many hours of content people will definitely watch. Shareholders will most definitely eat it up and it will unfortunately be profitable.

Can’t believe they haven’t realized content is all that matters. I put up with Paramount+’s horrible features and UI because I want the content.

Car brand purists: “You can’t DO this to the Corvette! That’s NOT a Corvette!!”

During our performance reviews last year, I work at Google, someone made an internal meme reminding us that our performance based adjustments were 1) below inflation and 2) to keep in mind the insane profit google made that quarter.

How Q2 revenue is being processed by tech companies is absolutely insane.

I hear a business opportunity!!!

Team monkey isn’t not team me as I’m not in an area with monkeys.

Considering the current downturn in tech overall I AM surprised to see a change in financial leadership. Was the expectation that Facebook would somehow be an outlier and not affected if it just had the right leader?? As someone working in tech that’s the kind of thinking we hear on the regular and it’s total garbage.

So they broke into a semi trailer and moved 2k lbs of lockers from the back of it to some other vehicle that can carry 2k lbs of lockers in 27 minutes without anyone thinking it was suspicious??

Clicked article expecting to hear it “sing”. No embeded video.