
We’re denying 18 year olds adulthood now? Well shit.

33 engines, so many potential failure points.

Honoring their ancestor’s memory and wishes? Where does it say that? It’s about correcting a wrong done by the city. And I 100% understand why they would sell, development is near impossible without money (bringing in investors) and would be a MASSIVE time sink. This is the easiest path for the city and family to

I was really hoping the family would develop this into a community friendly to people of color and inject some diversity into the area. A lot of the homeowners in that neighborhood are still racist fucks and diversity is needed badly.

David from Prometheus??

Lieutenant governors usually become acting when the governor leaves the state. This happened in Idaho and the lieutenant governor made a bunch of changes the governor didn’t agree with. He had to return pronto to undo them.

The assumption here is that people working a 40 hour week are already working at 100% productivity. IF people aren’t working at 100% productivity already there’s an assumption that reducing time at work could boost productivity.

The body is pretty great, it could just use a much more flattering paint job.

I’m 6'1, have owned three regular cab tacomas and as of late a quad cab, and have always found them spacious and easy to use.

Markup odds? I’m gonna guess $10-20k.

N0 suspension and MTB tires...this is just an electric gravel bike.

The only type of “competition bike” without suspension these days are gravel bikes. And even those are starting to take on suspension. For XC bikes most pros have gone to full suspension with a rear or rear+front lockout. Improved suspension geometry has done wonders as well for pedaling efficiency + squish on the

Writer: I don’t like cruises! Therefore nobody should retire on a cruise ship!

Humans who like cruises: Good for you! Kindly fuck off!

If you’ve ever invested a year+ of your life into an endeavor that relied on the element of surprise only to have someone else ruin it, yeah, that’ll make you livid.

Or, just work remote permanently and visit whenever you want to take advantage of those perks. (saying this as someone who’s doing just that)

Musk is fixing our climate issues with Tesla!
Musk is causing climate issues with Space X!
Fanboi meltdown!!

You have bags made of packed aliens? Dafuq??

Thing is, they’re right. This type of “hustle” always exists if the perceived compensation justifies the work. In the case they’re citing trying to save lives meets that threshold. Working 72 hours a week for a car company sure doesn’t though.

Thor + Star Lord. Calling it now.

I dunno how people can say that a movie that won Kevin Costner an Oscar for Best Director had no cultural or societal impact. WTF.