
But see, the car crash didn’t actually kill that person. They already had cancer and were going to die from that. The hospitals get paid money to say people are dying from car crashes but they’re not! Car crashes aren’t as dangerous as the media is making them out to be! It’s all a conspiracy to get us to wear

Meh, it was an ‘80s kids movie. I remember absolutely loving it as a kid but I still remember multiple cringe worthy moments.

Too much. Too. Much.

A truck will probably do it better than a car...

I’m very curious how this spark plug operates different than other spark plugs given it’s a solid state component that a spark arcs through. Unless the laws of physics are changing in these plugs there really shouldn’t be a difference.

My final decision on whether I’ll purchase is pending this info as well.

If they’re located in the same bin? Yes.

In this day and age are people really to be shamed for leaving a relationship for a relationship they feel suits them better? Even if they dive in head first into the new relationship? Are we still doing that??

I’d ask, “Why not??”

There’s no reason why they wouldn’t just build a number of kinetic weapons; essentially unmanned, remote controlled ships with a hyperdrive and enough mass to cause serious destruction.

In the same movie they paint the economics of weapons development and sales as being incredibly lucrative yet nobody’s developed a

Guess what’s easy to fool: an algorithm that uses your photos to determine your age. I’m sure they have MANY ways to spot fake photos or possibly fake accounts but yeah, that’s an easy one to trick.

A note: those snow guns aren’t in place to stop the fire, only to try and save the main resort buildings from burning.

And if he’s wearing a proper mask he’s fine. This just seems like hating on golfers for the sake of hating on golfers.

Good for you!

Why wouldn’t this person be golfing? They’re in Tahoe, in no immediate danger, and really can’t do anything to improve the situation. 

If she’s a big reason why a piece of content brought in multiple hundreds of millions in sales guess what, doesn’t matter how much money she currently has, she’s fucking owed what her contract states.

I haven’t watched the video but my guess is they’re looking to solve the same problem as every other “startup”: offloading costs and getting to market more rapidly by having drivers train their algorithm.

If every Tesla driver starts collecting data for Tesla they’ll possibly advanced to full self driving way faster

Because as an early stage company your goal is to project multiples of revenue year over year. Investors give you capital to invest in new features and hyper growth to achieve those multiples. I in no way support this or think it’s wise but that’s the mindset.

Retrofitting cars with the technology necessary to observe their surroundings and react: extremely difficult!

Building a car from scratch with that same technology already implemented: much less difficult!

Did they touch the drivetrain at all or was it just body + interior fantasizing?