
Welcome to the world of corporate design.

As stated above by a commenter or two the car sales process, and culture around it, are very different in Japan compared to the US.

25% less tall and wide = “about the same size”

Good to remember for dating profiles...

Ana de Armas is going to look 52 in 6 months.
J. Lo is 52 and currently looks 33.

He’s making the right choice here.

I went to high school with a few wealthy kids. One of them was offered an oil well or a Dodge Viper (this was around 1999). They chose the oil well. To reward him for making such a wise choice his dad bought him the Viper as well. Somehow he didn’t demolish it.

Toyota Rav4 Hybrid + ???
Covers the ability to carry an acceptable amount of stuff, high mpg for being climate conscious + budget conscious, and limited off road chops for camping and snow driving.

Now I just need to figure out what the second vehicle is.

Is the idea that we vent all the pollution out into space? Beside the possibility of polluting space (can you even do that??) wouldn’t venting earth’s matter into space be a long term issue??

That was my first thought: “That’s a huge headline! many cars are in the state of California alone??”

That’s a rainbow trout in the photo. They act like salmon and swim down rivers to the ocean, spend their lives in the ocean, then swim back upstream to spawn. When they do this they’re known as a steelhead. They also don’t die at the end of this cycle and can repeat it many times, unlike a salmon.

I do not miss working for startups and trying to inject rational thinking into the absolutely batshit ideas CEOs would entertain on the regular.

Anyone dumb enough to pay these markups is fucking up what’s considered “acceptable” for the rest of us.

Humans be damned

I’m confused here, is the spider feeding the body nutrients to keep it alive?

Also, what does it take to get out of the greys?!

I remember seeing a few of these in the ‘90s as a teenager and thinking, “WOW! I bet that car is special and FAST!!”

I’d like to know who these left-wing billionaires are. My friends and I participated in a number of protest and we, nor anyone else we know, received a single penny. :(

Apparently California is feeling the heat, too. Except here in San Francisco where I had to wear knee warmers, long sleeve shirt, and a vest on my morning bike ride cause it was in the 50s and drizzly.

Picaridin changed my life. Sawyer sells it in spray bottles and you can spray your clothes with it, let it dry, then your clothes will repel mosquitoes. I’ve done this for backpacking trips and my god it long as your skin is covered by the clothing.

OSX on PCs looks pretty good!