
This really sucks for all those hipsters who moved to Portland but didn’t keep moving to Austin like the rest of them.

Is the mail person in the vehicle that happy because of the vehicle? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a mail person that happy...

140º outside but a nice air conditioned 70º indoors! Hells yes!

In tech world future cars are a source of massive annual recurring revenue. That’s all that matters to a startup, showing that you’re making x dollars for your service, much better than a product because you can purchase it eternally, and that because your service is a subscription you’re guaranteed x dollars next

Tesla really is being run like a tech startup producing software; let the marketing team over promise then deliver whatever the engineers can make.

I can only dream of what fun artifacts are still floating around the Gizmodo servers from years ago...

If Biden said not to wear one I’m sure there would be MANY more who would wear one just to spite him, lol.

Every time a nothingburger like this is posted it devalues the legitimate content this site publishes.

Donates $200,000 to racial justice organizations, donates $1,000 to her sister’s campaign. It’s pretty clear where their priorities are, clear by 200x.

This is glorious. Here on the beach in San Francisco we shut down one four lane road meant to bypass the neighborhoods and some people have lost their minds.

Everything below eagle is questionable. For reference I’m 6'1 and athletic. An eagle would definitely fuck me up but I’m pretty sure I could kill one. I’d probably need to be hospitalized after but I’d be alive. Everything below that is killable with decreasing amounts of damage to one’s self.

a sergeant kept chasing a wallet thief who struck and killed a pedestrian

I was living in TN 20 years ago and met some guys working as cell tower technicians. They were getting $50-$100/hr. 20 years ago. Why does this pay so much less??

These power ratings put it right in competition with the Jeep Wrangler.

Of course I-40 is closed. I remember back from 2000-2005 I’d drive from L.A. to Tennessee every summer for college and drive back in spring. Most vivid part of that memory is the absolute clusterfuck I-40 was with construction, especially driving through Arkansas which for some reason seemed like construction the

The joys of an early stage company, where time and resources are funneled towards growth while anything associated with churn is intentionally left to rot.

When you click the article and learn more fake comments were submitted in support of net neutrality...


So what you’re saying is our incredibly short term vision might be hamstringing our ability to survive rare but possible catastrophic events?

Cult leaders always want your wallet...or your genitals.