
I'm a bit ignorant. Is socialism illegal in the US?

Bortles wanted to know about his punting.

Yeah, but we don't have to get the car inspected every year, so find a friendly local smog inspector and pay him $200 for a pass.

Let's find out!

Nope, I'm right there with you. I'd rather have a C5 or C6 Corvette. Plus I couldn't look myself in the mirror if I bought one. I fully disagree with reason number 1, it sounds horrible. A straight piped Subaru sounds better.

I guess I'm the only one on earth who doesn't find these attractive.

Until you get people haggling you down for days just to not show up to buy your Mk3 tail lights for 12$.

Ah yes, VWvortex......E-thugging, E-tuning, E-fixing, and all the shit posts you can handle. On the bright side, there are some really well written guides for repairs by people who can actually use a wrench. These guides even have workarounds and shortcuts to help out your average shade tree mechanic. Very helpful

You thought that you could trick me into visiting vwvortex!

"It's coming!! It'll be a 2012 model!! hooray!!"

I'd rather see the Beetle become RR again, and be VAG's entry-level car into the 911 world. Aren't you supposed to go from VW to Audi to Porsche as you become increasingly successful?

So it will use the same platform and have roughly the same wheelbase but be significantly lighter?

The members of the early Christian church expected the Second Coming during their lifetime too, but they died waiting for it.

it doesn't hurt that it's the second prettiest plane ever made, either.

To be fair, this is how white people reacted to the red wedding and that's not even real.

Well, these already inflated prices just jumped another 10%. Thanks.

I have never seen one of these in the wild that isn't 90% spray-painted rust and 10% Monster energy/'shocker' stickers. Sad.

Why? They are normally going faster than sports cars.
I pass old geezers in the kind of cars that would give most jalops an erection every morning in my non-prius hybrid.