
I'm happy I read to the end of the comment.

Such an irresponsible "professional." Gronk is recovering from a serious injury and partying this hard so soon risks tearing his brotator cuff.

Now playing

Okay, so we give Ashley Force the benefit of the doubt on all of those things. But let's take what we do know, about Ashley Force, and about Crazy Cat People.

As a final "fuck you" to the NBA, Sterling plans on dying tomorrow.

That first picture, that's kinda a big deal. Unless things have changed, that's literally all the flying P-38s there are. One is in Tillamook, the other lives in McMinnville at Evergreen, though they're about to sell it. Evergreen's is the one without the paint, I can't tell which one is Tillamook's.

She was speeding. Regardless of stories of what may have happened and alternative points of view, that's why you don't fucking speed. Especially down a dark road without your full beams on. And when you do, and you kill/ injure someone, it's YOUR FAULT.

This is a very well-written piece of fiction and definitely tries to get into the mind of the other person to make them "not a villain." However, I don't think suing god and everyone is going to help the case any.

There's a a very important reason why this is moronic, especially with high doses of alcohol. I bolded some words to make them easier to keep track of.

"God damn it, it was only 3 more outs."

If only we had some leads! GAH!

Have you considered a career in the highly-lucrative ultra-luxury automobile roof interior field illumination field?

The starfield cieling seems much less absurd and much more brilliant when referred to by its auto journalist vernacular: The "Instant Road Head Initiator Toggle"

Look at me, I'm a traffic light.

Is this your neighbor?

Thank god someone has spoken out! My neighbor is addicted to these things. He actually sits in a chair and swings his arm to increase the "steps" he took that day. Its an addiction. He tells me his numbers "go through the roof" when he jerks off, as the bracelet is on his main working hand. And yet he wonders why

Are you saying that 7 Fast and the Furious movies have lied to me?

I was about to hook up with this dude who drove a Porsche until I got in it and realized it was a fucking automatic. The fuck?

"56 percent view men who drive exotic or fast cars as being show-offs or arrogant, and 17 percent perceive them as being insecure."

What about classic cars, like mine?