
He's the ultimate outsider underdog

That's what he would say. Except he isn't hoping to - he won it already

No, Roger Stone, of "Get me Roger Stone" is more than anyone, the one who can claim to have 'made' Trump.

I think that's true.

I like that idea. Though doesn't seem very Neil Gaiman.

I liked this episode except for the part where the psychologist lady says the title: "the good, the bad, and the crispy." WTF? That left a cheese whiz taste in my mouth. Is there some pun or allusion there I was missing or was it just the stinker it smelled like to me?

I can't wait for the South Park take on this… wish they were producing now during all this.

Barely though. He would switch positions and say whatever suited. He's a bit more locked down now given those he has chosen to ally with. Frankly I think he has adopted the positions to please those who were willing to tolerate him. I could have imagined him being pro-choice.

With a company named i.con I'm dubious about it being a real thing.

used book stores are great. and they make their money by scooping up the good stuff from the saliann and value village right when it comes in then reselling it for a healthy markup. so yeah, the picked over cheap thrift store is going to suck. But last time I walked into the used book store I bought 4 things I didn't

Seth never watched it

Yeah I immediately thought of The Birds when they were at the safe house but the phones were cutting out

good point

Yeah I agree the eyes thing is so sign inducing that it detracts from other bits in the story

well, they don't have to be hacked to kill everyone. Also the self replicating/cover the nation is pure fantasy (and a lot more realistically destructive). It would be pretty cool technology if, like real beekeepers, someone had a travelling droid honeybee hive.

funny cuz tru

So many orange hairballs clogging the drain…. or is the piece removed before ablutions begin?

Always read the card first you thorny asshole!

I can see the script now:

Also Charity fund-raisers know that poor give way more of their income over to those in need (Solidarity) even if it hurts them vs guy who could easily afford to