
All the good deals, buying things in bulk at wholesale, costco membership, inside track, gift from supplier etc etc go to rich guys who could afford to pay full price and more while those scrimping and saving can't get 5% off retail price and looked at funny in the store while buying it anyway.

not true, it was in canada anyway

I think it's pretty clear now: (2017)

I"d watch that while getting my teeth filled

sounds safe

Sam B interviewed pro Russia trolls (and aired it) *before* the election. Is she the only one actually trying? And why isn't he stuff noticed?

but it's still a revolution?

it's more of a silly walk, from the new Trump ministry (aka department for you 'merican yokuls)

let's hope so

too optimistic

working 16 hours? lying on a bed tweeting? you call that work? telling lawyers to deny everything? not reading much but Hitler's speeches?

paranoid people say the point of putting Pence in the VP was so that people would not want to impeach due to Pence being so terrible. Supposedly Nixon wasn't impeached for so long due to Spiro Agnew…

Say it with me slowly:

The guy who is president ran a scam "university" is not a "major thing"?

they've been on the nose lately

That doesn't seem dumb. That kind of colour use is very skillful and requires you to break a lot of instinctual ways of looking (seeing the white instead of seeing the mirror finish). Sounds like a more articulate question asker than typical. He will go far. The squeeky wheel gets the lube.

I only ever saw bill murray but then I tried harder and it flipped for a short while mostly because I forgot what each one looked like. But I don't think you can forget what paint looks like. Moral of the story: look at the picture before the words. Welcome to art school. You are now a hipster because that is what we

spray them with oil that is sticky so it doesn't sag and drip

For the ending cliffhanger scene it sounded like Trenton and Mobley might have found the (supposedly destroyed) encryption key for all the ECorp data that their 5/9 hack had rendered useless. If that were true they could put all of ECorps databases back online and readable. Which would be nice for ECorp but wouldn't