Early on, say three seconds in, I had convinced myself it was a Lancia Stratos. I was so proud of myself, thinking, my, what a Jalop you've become. Then the Audi came into view :(.
Early on, say three seconds in, I had convinced myself it was a Lancia Stratos. I was so proud of myself, thinking, my, what a Jalop you've become. Then the Audi came into view :(.
Does anyone else find it disturbing that they force their audience to stand for the show? Something about this aspect freaks me out.
Matt - I was thinking you need one of those latex bald caps, but for chins instead of skulls, then you might pass for Chris when you're filling in... maybe not. You've got a really big head, don't you?
Anyone else notice that Matt Farrah took Chris' place for a moment?
p.s. your car is gorgeous, and I love the union jack on the side. I used to have an '03 Civic Si, the EP3, which was manufactured in Swindon. One of the only upgrades I did beyond brakes and suspension (an engine was on my wish list), was placing the union jack emblem on the hatch to give it's birthplace a little…
I'm all for screwing around in empty lots, and I can't stand people who go slow in the fast line regardless of conditions, but your statement about "people who know how to drive" combined with "dodging people doing 30mph in the fast lane" doesn't add up. I know what you're saying, and I do believe that slow drivers…
So you have studded tires? Otherwise, you were just as screwed as everyone else (assuming it was actually ice).
Good point. Guess it's more-likely a three door hatch of some sort, possibly in Germany given the LH drive (trying to redeem myself here)?
Looks like a crossover of some sort?
Last year it was a Cube, this year it's an Odyssey. More room for the crew, and better to have a Honda product in the background when you're being sponsored by them, I would guess.
I used to commute OUT and back IN to Manhattan every day for several years, and usually used the Holland Tunnel for my return. As long as it was a weekday, when I was surrounded by fellow commuters and not the bridge and tunnel crowd (which is what I am now), the zipper technique (which I first heard of in this post)…
"Rocky Mountain Horse Piss!" - Real-live cowboy at a bar on the Western Slope (middle of nowhere, Colorado) many years ago, referring to Coors.
Is this photo for real? Are they seriously digging a plane out of the snow with dirt-digging shovels? Not that snow shovels would make it look much less-ludicrous. Are there no plows available? My only guess is they don't want a big plow so close to an airplane?
That makes sense. I recall someone on here complaining that Jerry was too subdued when speaking about cars... I don't think they realized it's all intentional.
This is a very subtle show (or it was). The Michael Richards episode was the one that sold me on the series. I had honestly forgotten about his racist rant at the comedy club ( because I'm white), so I may have been overly sympathetic to Richards in the moment, but Seinfeld endeared himself to me at the same time...…
I'm assuming "meh" is actually "nyet?"
We're considering a Model S and would have no problem renting... although I don't think we'd need to. The Model S would replace our aging Accord, and, for better or worse, we'd still have the Odyssey as backup.
"Its." I realize I'm being a bit of a Nazi here, but I have only recently, at close to middle-age, been able to remember which one (it's or its) is appropriate for a given situation, so I don't want you to confuse me.
I'm going to take a guess and say the truck backed up. Both were double-parked.