
I did not know this.

I think that's a Eurocopter Dauphin, dude. Not sure of the exact model, but it's not a Bell 222, which is what Airwolf started out as. Similar-looking shape, though.

I want to be able to watch this, but I just can't. I think I would like John Davis if I met him in person, but his on-screen persona is just too painful to watch... actually it's just too painful to listen to. John Davis is basically the direct opposite of Chris Harris to me. Chris Harris could be talking about a

FYI everyone, see my update in a new post - this was for real...

Update: I just received this email from the Burbank PD in response to the one I sent last week (I've left the officer's name out of it):

I just emailed a link of this to the Burbank PD... it was literally the least I could do.

I'm hoping this somehow turns out to be a prank, but for Christ's Sake, Eric, next time call the cops (I was going to say pull in front of the Merc and block their way, but that might have ended badly). Call the cops, stay with them as long as possible, etc. etc. I'm off to bang my head against the wall for a bit,

Nice! I had a couple Grasshoppers as well, in the early 80's, I think? Used to mount bottle rockets on the roof for boost.

But the car pictured (an '02 or '03 EP3) is a lower-end version of what they got in Europe and Japan. The Si pictured came with 160 HP vs. the Type R's 200, softer, raised suspension, etc. etc. I owned this exact car (right down to the Satin Silver Metallic paint job), and it was a far cry from what they got in

I did 90 on a downhill in Vermont in my '93 Civic DX, which is equivalent to something like 280 on the Autobahn in an Audi, I believe.


What man doesn't?

She doesn't look pleased to have drawn the wagon straw.

Somehow I doubt my comments here are going to affect carbon bike sales...

I know what I know, and I made the disclaimer that I'm a retrogrouch, so obviously I'm biased towards what's tried and true. I don't see the point of arguing this any further.

Suspension adds weight to a bike. A full suspension bike will be heavier than a similarly equipped hardtail. There's a reason beyond hipster ideals that there are so many fixies in NYC or any other major city - they're light, simple and strong.

I know guys like you exist because I've been passed by guys like you (or at least not been able to catch guys like you). But the fact is, if you got on a nicer bike, you would go faster. You might not be happier, but you'd certainly be faster. I grew up going to the dump with my dad and picking bikes to fix up.

This article and all the posts are driving this OCD former bike mechanic to the brink... Personally, I used to love making ridiculous bikes. If I could get my hands on yours, I would widen the seatstays and chainstays to accommodate that fat tire, by any means necessary (some sort of screw-driven press). It's o.k.

How could a full-suspension bike be considered light?

Can't tell if you're just trolling but why is it a rip off? The guy can afford it, he actually rides (look at those legs!), and being an F1 racer, he probably appreciates all the high-tech accoutrements. Much of the tech and construction is the same as an F1 car, which costs a lot more than this.