
I go even further.

I think modern cars are too fast and powerful for 99% of what most people do.

No more key parties? Forget it, I’ll take the Jag.

To be fair, a wheelbarrow full of cinder blocks would be a step up from an Excel ;)

I work in transportation - the road side, not the car making side. I’m sitting in a hotel room right now, getting ready for an American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) conference. The future of transportation is 50 years away. We will see more automation within that time, but very few of

The next report will be titled “Autonomous Mustangs - A Pedestrian’s Best Friend”

Yea, I thought the whole point of living in a city was that you didn’t need a car or rarely used one because of public transportation or walking.

Definetly Canada. Listen closely, driver calmly said “sowry” while air-born.

Probably used their buyout cash on BMWs.

So...the insurance business model will continue unchanged, just as it has for hundreds of years.

Every good story needs a dickhead

Neutral: I’m a slacker gen-xer who’s always tried to live within my means without getting into too much debt. So I’m living in a smaller city with a decent cost of living in my second, modest home with an affordable mortgage driving an 8 year old paid for car.

My wife was a school bus driver for 10 years and I’ve had defensive driving training, so often when we’re driving our conversation will suddenly stop in mid sentence because we’re both seeing a situation developing ahead and are focusing on that. Just as a matter of course we’re always quiet when merging or dealing

Trucks pay about 50% of the damage they do. Passenger vehicles individually do very little damage. Try dropping your tire pressure to 30 psi and axle load to 2000 pounds and that will even things out a bit.

Not an accident! The stop sign didn’t accidentally appear and caused it to ignored by a bad driver.


Hyperbole is overrated. So is sarcasm. But most car MPG’s are not. And they will be updated by the EPA if they find they’ve made an error. That is.. as long as the EPA is funded.

Well I am a pilot and have “autopilots” in all of my aircraft. They are quite advanced and cost more than the silly car he was driving. They are far from perfect and will, as we like to say;”fly you, with great precision, directly into a water tower.” So we never make any assumptions about its capability, rather study

..says guy on couch without pants on....

You’ve met my brother, then?