
Dan Patrick is a mentally ill shithead with multiple bankruptcies and went so far as to change his name from “Dannie Goeb” to either run from his creditors or that fucking name. No shit, his birth-name is “Dannie.” He’s also the single most politically powerful figure in the state (by virtue of his office as Lt.

Definitely NP.

I have had this experience. You can actually do an appeal online. So, it’s very convenient to unsuccessfully fight a ticket. I sent pictures of my parked car showing a generous distance between my back bumper and a hydrant to the website. They thanked me for playing and took my $125+ anyway.

The beauty of private industry doing things better, faster, and cheaper....

She has a self driving car. She doesnt know the drivers name and assumes he comes with the car.

Look, it didn’t explode because of Shear Valves! Hooray for burdensome government safety regulations!

“Pfft. Amateur.”

I’m sure if people end up getting killed in their hundreds of thousands in Korea, their surviving family will applaud you for your valiant pedantry.

So, no solution to healthcare yet?

Have you ever been to Virginia Beach? Its mostly clapped out cars from the 80s and 90s...

Wow Ford’s put that drift button on more than the RS I guess.

Millennials did this.

Better than Cosmopolitan suggestions.

Sounds more like a surveillance company that happens to drive people around.

Proofreader Man to the rescue! (sorry, it’s late and I’m procrastinating at work)

Sure you can. Just add a christ on the cross to pose in his luxurious chest hair, amidst the pastel ensembles of the era. And let him proselytize like Dawg the Bounty Hunter to the bad guys he arrested at the end.

We can crush any other military without the F35. Cancel it and imprison the contractors.

You lost me at taxing wealth. My wealth isn’t taxed, at all, in any way. Income is taxed. Not wealth.