
Tell me Lauren, did you enjoy typing their names with all the crazy accents and letters?

God have mercy on the announcers who have to say those names. Wow.

It’s important to note that Iceland has a population about as big as Cincinnati. Of course they eat whale, horse and fermented shark meat.

‘Melo could BUILD THAT WALL with his bricks.

I pray my team leaves him alone. He is shit personified. He’s never won anything in the NBA and never will. Take that to the bank motherfuckers!

In all seriousness, I don’t understand why the Celtics would trade for Melo. They have a young team with a couple of good, potentially great, players, but both Isaiah and Horford would instantly defer to Melo and you’d lose whatever rhythm you currently have. Also, there’s no way the Celtics win this year, with or

Actually- as a Hawks fan- I wouldn’t mind Melo. A)Because he would fit on the wing, B) it’d be hilarious to see how he and Dwight co-existed, and C) would finally get people here to stop talking about how we should have run the freaking ball.

If only we had more awareness about guns in America

Bench cold, Mosgov need furry head cover.

I want a Mozgov winter hat!

Moz has a wider range than LeBron, who can do only do mad and sad and occasionally bad.

Next up: Shirtless on a horse.

The best part is the background music. Timofeeeeyyyyy Mozgoooovvvvvvv

“Mosgov Winter Hat” promotion? That is a goddamn GENIUS idea.

[Sixteen horribly torn Kangaroo pouches later]

In The Revenant, BEAR RIDE YOU.