
Good luck Waffle!

I have finally gotten around to Robert Caros biography of Lyndon Johnson. I'm about thirty percent of the way through the first book and I'm really enjoying it so far.

Saw this movie in theaters with my mom. Have never had any desire to watch it again (I wish I could remember what my initial impression was).

Hey everybody! We're all gonna get laid!

He hired a sex worker?

You serious? I just, I just told you that a moment ago.

Huzzah! A purple boob!

I keep meaning to go to the one in Denver that has this game.

I want it!!


I was twelve when The Phantom Menace was released, and as far as I can remember I didn't really give a damn about Jar-Jar one way or the other.


The same things happen (jackass teenagers who have apparently never heard of headphones), but with different lingo. Malls and parking lots. I don't think I've seen teenagers hanging around busted old pay phones.


Yes. Yes we do.

My condolences.

My best friend and I absolutely love one another, but I think if we ever tried living together it would get violent quickly.

Give us a third season you bastards!!

Seattles wastewater treatment plant is located in a 600 acre park. They put the treatment plant there, then realized "There's a shitload of land here, let's make it into a park." This is a good insight into Seattles lack of foresight.

How about Crispin Glover as Elvis?