
Bye everybody!

Yes. Yes it is.

Care to elaborate?

How do you figure that? The ellipsis seems to indicate that you haven't finished your thought.

It's GG Allin.

If you want low calories don't drink.

Unfortunately I do not know.

This isn't all behind us, though. It still needs to pass the Senate.

Possible Twin Cities area meetup

The Sandlot is The Sandlot for a new generation. It's timeless!!



The A.V. Club

I heard that Rob Schneider wants to fuck a goat.

Holy shit you fucking suck Waffles isn't a troll. Fuck off, off a bridge.

This year is bullshit. That beard is not.

Bob Dylan isn't going to the Nobel Prize ceremony due to "prior commitments." I'm worried you guys!!

Going to see extended family (and my parents!) at an aunt and uncles house in Rhode Island. Unfortunately my aunt and her partner won't be there. I feel like they would be the only ones matching me for yelling about Trump.

Screaming Females. The singer/guitarist is lesbian. And a generally great person.

What a bunch of losers.