

Wow, I assumed the next content update would be tied to some sort of community puzzle. Looks like this one just comes for free. It’s so weird being excited to login to Destiny every day again. I’m not complaining!

My interpretation of their statement:

In the meantime, shall I maybe try out a Ten Paces hand cannon with auto-loading holster and hip-fire grip? How about one with slideshot and rampage? Threat detector and field prep? Decisions, decisions...

But I hear if you go to here training ground at her mansion, complete the training course in 2 min or less, do a double somersault over the candle stick holder and dive into the pool, you’ll unlock her nude skin and see her bewbs. True story bruh.

It’s not like there’s just an easy roadmap Bungie could’ve followed to get exactly where they are right now without any missteps or access to player feedback

Developing video games is hard. Developing AAA games with MMO and RPG, PvE and PvP, and open-world elements is a gargantuan task. The idea that Bungie should have just “made Destiny 2 better” is hilarious when you consider that a thousand people are already working around the clock to make the game as good as

You mean D2 Year 1? If so, I agree (to an extent). I just think they swung the pendulum too far the other way. I mean, I’m not the guy sitting on 2000 shards and seven stacks of weapons parts, for example.

It’s simply not a Destiny game if they don’t find a way to fuck something up by changing something no one imagined needed a change.

Because everyone pissed an moaned that D2 was not like D1.

To give the grinding that extra bit of time.

Ya’ll, I just really don’t like masterwork cores.

Atari screws up home consoles. Nintendo saves the day. Atari screws up “plug and play” retro consoles. Nintendo saves the day again.

Entitlement 101

Thought this was going to go in a completely different direction given the debt collection thing.

In Max Payne 2, Max is no longer a scrappy underdog. He’s well aware of his role as an action game protagonist. That level of self awareness is key to the game’s structure. Max Payne 2 is aware that it’s “more of the same,” as Max is caught up in what he sees as an inevitable love affair and another conspiracy.

I really don’t want them to nerf this. The gun already has limited ammo and it’s possible to kill a user while they’re still charging up between shots. What’s more, it’s really useful in PvE. Too often a gun that’s fun in one mode gets nerfed out of the meta because it’s too dominant in another mode and I’m getting

I love this, it’s one thing when a game adds content that ends up affecting the entire gameworld and it’s storyline, like with the various events that have happened in Fortnite, but it’s quite another when it’s tied to players actively triggering said event.Congrats to Clan Redeem for being the first.

Turned in a bunch of Crucible tokens last night, and got 5 Better Devils.