
Cue the gamers lining up to say why they hate destiny, can’t stand the service model, that the dlc does not have enough depth, yadda yadda yadda. Meanwhile those that have multiple characters at 600 have been given more of EXACTLY what they want. Multiple items and quests to fetch, the grind in full effect (we all

9/9/99 . The first console I ever preordered. Man I don’t think anything will every wow me like the dreamcast wowed me with nfl and nba 2k, soul caliber, powerstone, pso, RE code veronica (worth buying the console just for this). Too bad the console wasn’t supported better. Maybe it’s time to dust mine off.

After reading the majority of the very one-sided comments here, I have to play devil’s advocate. First let me state that I hate activision. They are a terrible company. In my opinion they destroyed COD. But, without activision, destiny and destiny 2 would never have been made. Microsoft had their chance and wanted to

This was a great analogy. My wife is a teacher and regularly gets voluntold what to to and whom to help out, for free just because she is very good at her job and gives a fuck. That later of which is rapidly disappearing. 

This is no different that any restaurant or sales job anywhere. I have been in the restaurant business for 18 years and I have NEVER worked a 40 hour work week without requesting time off or swapping shifts to work a double later. But I made a lot of money and got promoted and pushed forward for my sacrifices. This is

Dark souls at 30fps on that dated hardware is an amazing achievement given the Xbox and ps3 versions could go into the single digits at times. And it’s on the go. 

I don’t know how you have the time for this. I still haven’t finished my first run through on Xbox and just started a new one on my pro and it’s just so gloriously DAUNTING. So much to do and so easy to get lost. 

It’s like another year of madden. I’ve been playing moving the game for 2 decades and there are never any new features, you always have a plan when you start playing and then just rushing through to the ending, and the loot boxes are literally just shit you have already opened. It’s a terrible game I wouldn’t

You just get up out of here with all that damn logic your using. This is no place for that!

Yes. It’s more of a really hard strike/raid hybrid. Super fun. Stupid hard. One shot kills etc. 

You should be able to climb up pretty fast now that you have the city open. Between prime engrams (love this concept or the orange engram idea I had been asking for) daily and all the powerful weapon tasks and missions (heroic story missions, ikoras missions, your clan upgrades etc ) I managed to get to 560. On one

They changed that whole quest 

Don’t pick up the quest for redrix claymore. Or if you do delete it. It’s ridiculous but I’m grinding it. 

I’m 554 and I did the first part solo. Takes patience and the right weapons/build. Has some good drops until I can get high enough to solo it or put a team together that can beat it. It is hard. And dark. 

The offering to the queen this week allows you to talk to her and advance the story also. Plus a gift ofcourse. 

Please do this for destiny 2 so I can finally play with my boys who are still loyal to the awesomeness that Forza is and the utter rubbish that halo has become. 

Is there a new ascendant challenge?


Are you not doing the weekly that drop powerful gear? If your not your gonna go no where. If you are you should be gaining at least 3 levels a week. 

Master works are cool but your mod slots are more important. I’m a casual player and I’m at 544 just doing all the bounties and everything that drops powerful gear. You’ll get there. Before 520 it’s a hard climb but after it’s just the usual grind. My clan only has one guy who has done the raid and beat it and he was