
It's not that difficult to write a book like that in three weeks.

No one thinks it was to make him uncomfortable enough to play his idol?

lol not the color I ordered.

I think someone actually re-recorded the whole thing.

Oh, man. So good. The dude who made it wrote a book about it, and it's really good, too.

It also sounds like it was recorded in a tin can. There was some sort of version that had higher production value (and the snare drum was turned on) a year or so ago that was pretty cool, it helped to appreciate the songs themselves and not any of the other crap.

…And I Can't Get Up!

So beautiful yet also so full of information.

Man I totally see that and appreciate the difference between this and your typical sci-fi flick. I don't dislike slower pacing and usually it doesn't bother me but for some reason in this movie it just disappointed me. I think I wanted more of the flashbacks with her kid and fewer of the rotating crane shots that

Seriously, though. If Rick just hauled off and cracked Negan one, how many of the Saviors would be like, "Sweet!" and be totally cool with it? I bet it's a lot more than Negan and/or Rick thinks it'd be.

My only gripe with this movie - and the reason I probably will not purchase it on bluray or dvd - is how loooooooong everything takes. Like, the initial meeting with the aliens, holy crap. They go on that little elevator thing, three minutes later they're discovering the weird gravity thing, then a three minute walk

The book begins with her telling the story from the beginning, but at the end(?). Like, "Let's sit and talk about this thing that happened, starting a while ago." So, from that perspective, she (the story teller) has the time perspective from the start, even though she (the character) does not gain it until midway


I only remember seeing one of those Lyle the Intern bits, but in the middle of it he goes, "David, David, David. Shut the hell up." I thought it was so funny.

Didn't say it wasn't. I said it seemed unnecessarily angry and perhaps that anger could be expressed to better results elsewhere.

Yes, I can absolutely see with what you're saying, and I actually agree with some of it. I especially am enlightened by the idea that this is a well-established show and you're not bashing on it before it has a chance; it very much explains why many are so passionate about it, and I'd never thought about any of the

Upvoted for the reply, but I did actually read the whole thing.

Succinct is not always polite and I was trying to be polite. I realize the irony.

Man, I'm trying to be real with you, here. I really don't want you to think I'm being rude or trying to insult you, I just want to respond. So please take my words positively.

If my name was Gordon Gordon, I would ABSOLUTELY chage my title to Lordon.