
lol in here wherever.

Nick Miller is my spirit animal.

Sounds like a fucked up sequel to The Burbs

Johnny Depp named his kid after two flowers, where's the uproar about that?

I think the doctor has it right, the simplest explanation is often the correct answer, even if you don't want to hear it. That message is all over this episode. We are gonna find out Nas did it, I think. Probably after he's found not guilty, though.

I had hopes for this one.

What? Why did you say that? What? WHY DID YOU SAY THAT

So what was this comment?

The poodle listening to metal is funny. When the dog gets down on all fours, lower to the ground, and starts head banging is some animator/secret rock band bass player joke. I can dig it.



The Jared crying explanation is the funniest thing on the planet.

I think he said he'd recommend extra time to the judge, not that he'll actually give it to her.

This episode is a B, or "slightly better than last week"? Nope.

Isn't the purpose of a movie to entertain? No one is advertising this movie as a documentary, so it doesn't make someone who is entertained by it "stupid." Seems it'd be more stupid to expect something relevant out of a movie called "Now You See Me."

This guy fucks

What part of that do you not understand?

Fome again


Yeah that's what I got