
Nick's run-in with the Nutmeg wholesaler was the high point for me, but that's about it. Oh and, "They're the same face that's why I have to announce it." I'm holding onto that one for future use.

And it's so annoying, too. All TWD's cliffhangers have been stupid, leaving you wondering "who" or "if," and not "what happens next." Even True Detective season 2 didn't do it this poorly.

The "…with all you idiot people" tag at the end of his string of insults made me laugh so hard.


My boy's wicked smaht

As far as I can remember, there's no explanation to the sword trick, either.

Hmm. I don't know anything about the Batman mythology, so every twist in every Arkham game has just been, "Oh I bet the comic book readers get that. Cool. L1, hit that gargoyle, g'night." Joker as Black Mask in Origins was pretty easy to figure out, I guess. Beyond that, I honestly don't know if the stories

You know it's a television show, right? Made up, and stuff? Fake? There's really no reasons to go around calling people names.

I distinctly remember the first time I watched that movie, and saw that line. I was like 14 or 15, and it immediately became my go to response to "What's up." I love Olyphant. So underused in Gone In 60 Seconds.


Yo, "BLACK GUY!" made me laugh really, REALLY hard.

This reply was probably not necessary.

It's not.

Many times. I guess the fact that it was My Cousin Vinny is what made it seem out of place. I guess it just seemed like it was put in there for a laugh, and not necessarily how the story was narrated. Like I said, I don't know which it is, and I'm not sure I care to know.

I wonder how much the editing is responsible for the drunken sidetracks. I'd never really thought about it until "Can we watch My Cousin Vinny?" That one just seemed so out of place. The editing of the reenactment implies that it was in the middle of that sentence, but then Waters' response to it is just "You were

My money is on Brooke being one of the killers. Not because it makes any sense, but because of the actress's popularity (Key and Peele) and the fact that it would be absolute nonsense.

S01E3 ended on a freezeframe.

It's an interesting theory, but I don't see it going that way.

I actually hate the way even good HDTVs make everything look like a soap opera. That shit is annoying.

The other night in her sleep my wife asked me if I drain blood, and her incredulity about how I could not know what she was talking about was scary. Sometimes people talking in their sleep makes no sense, whatsoever.