
Y’all thought Norman was playing with you? Did you see even a bead of sweat on his brow? NOPE. He meant what he said. Merry Motown Christmas to Norman.

“Have you ever made a shot like this?”

“I really don’t see how special it is. I just see it as a normal thing.” - There is hope for humanity.

“Most people that I know have never accused the police of violence. So I guess I don’t get where that statistic comes from.”

Ismael, how dare you suggest that we were hackily reading off TelePrompters the whole time and that there was not an actual Deadspin Award for Most Intense Pentakill In A League Of Legends Final. Eat shit.

Wow. How did this OBVIOUSLY staged moment so effectively troll so many comment stream experts?

The way that Miyomoto has influenced modern day gaming can not be overstated. Even active Nintendo haters or those who have left Nintendo behind can’t begin to realize of how much the man has shaped and inspired countless programmers, designers, artists and the like within modern game video gaming to a level that no

You gotta admit, being pregnant is a great alibi for throwing up constantly while making a Zack Snyder DC movie.

I certainly prefer this write-up to the PC Master Race BS in the other one.

It damn well better, it’s a six year old game

It looks better with the bezels. More approachable and all ages. The controls would also have to be redesigned to match, buy really, less tablet or giant phone in it’s looks is a plus to distinguish it from other devices, and cuter really, which matters.

That bit at the end about Nintendo being on a different level from other devs is true. When I was little I grew up on nintendo, but as I got older I became less interested in their games and by the Wii U and had figured they were going to go the way of sega pretty soon, but they somehow got their shit together and

Eh it’s more like complaining that action games have a white male lead problem. You’d like to change it but it’s likely not going to happen.

OMG peached got kidnapped again we better get the pitchforks out and hang nintendo for using a damsel in distress trope.

Why aren’t white people tired of seeing the next generation make a permanent record of their shitty behavior? Where are the white community leaders to set a positive example for their children?

This is great, because I want more 3rd party stuff on the switch.

After the WiiU sort of caused a shudder at the foundations, Nintendo managed to weather through and launch the Switch into a much better market environment IMO. We are now past the point where a lack of significant big-budget third party support results in a console with an anemic library; smaller indie titles feel

It's interesting that his technique was refined by 3D World because the other day I was thinking about how each subsequent official Mario is better than the last in my opinion all nostalgia aside. Every time I jump (Pun? Pun.) into a Mario game I'm literally shocked by how it manages to be so amazing and fun every

I loved this game so much more then other recent Mario games. My only complaint is that it required a certain number of stars to get to the next area. I know SM64 had this mechanic, but I guess I don't remember being "stuck", but currently I am stuck at the last (last, last) castle but I'm about 10 stars short,