
Reeaaally slow business day huh?

The phrase “wheelchair-bound” isn’t acceptable anymore; you should use “person who uses a wheelchair” or “wheelchair user.”

“Faux-fur?” It’s literally crafted from monster parts.

Love how this article entirely ignores the existence of Monster Hunter Tri Ultimate on the Wii U, which also had online play.

Wow i see you tried really hard to find stuff to complain about huh?

Graphics aside and maybe the odd gameplay quirk aside, it looks incredibly basic. The trailer shows off the stereotypical buff dude whose ability is to challenge people, practically forcing people into confrontation for the sake of his masculinity. And there’s the quasi-prostitute, who dresses skimpily and uses

Splatoon 2 isn’t a first-person shooter.

I don’t use the term “woke” because reasons but damn if this article isn’t all kinds of accurate.

Baiting isn’t a “cheese playstyle” if you’re using a character whose abilities are catered to that way of playing, i.e. Master Mummy.

Damn if Kingdom Hearts games don’t have some of the best video game lip synching in the business. Square Enix seriously does not mess around with the graphics.

I understand this is The Grapevine, but still, it makes no sense to write an entire article about “grown-ass hip-hop” without once mentioning Eminem. Even if it was just in that “Kendrick, J. Cole, Kanye and Chance” list, unless you mean to imply Eminem is one of the “million good, lesser-known hip-hop artists.”

I’m 5,000,000,000% certain that Mario games influenced Dark Souls WAY more than Dark Souls might’ve influenced Oddysey. Just on a developer-to-developer scale, not taking into account things like how Nintendo saved the video game scene or anything.

So we all agree that as far as the Big 3 go, Nintendo won, right?

It’s spelled Hiatus X Hiatus.

Along with Doc Louis and the kid from the upcoming Ever Oasis game, that brings Nintendo’s Brown People Count up to...3! Let’s see if we can reach the double digits, y’all!

This is super clean.

Oh no, we have to work hard to earn our money now! What a crisis!

How did her hair change like that tho

I’ve realized that I consistently like your posts. Keep it up, Ms. Jackson!

Yeah, I’m definitely on the side of the weapon breakage being a good thing. It makes combat and inventory management a lot more fluid, plus encouraging the player to think outside the box as you said above.