whoa whoa whoa kimosabe

Progressives would say that my ogre hands are social constructs but they aren’t.

10/10 would read


I’d go further and argue that you evolved over hundreds of millions of years to want to punch that oak tree and make your hands ferocious-looking weapons. You chose to do it, sure, but the desire to choose to do it didn’t just come out of nowhere.  Your hardware evolved.  But you have some ability to decide what

Genuine progressives truly believe that if you sat down with the average guy renting oil tank trailers in West Texas and explained the concept of Medicare for All, reparations, healthcare for undocumented immigrants, and other progressive solutions in a logical fashion, he’d change his mind and vote progressive.

big ballin is my hobby

Because it tends to show that, throughout history, people have enslaved other people regardless of race. Had colonial/American landowners been able to enslave white people more cheaply than through the African slave trade, they would have done so.

Well, slavery did exist for at least a few thousand years and it wasn’t based on race. Romans enslaved other Italians in droves, Africans enslaved other Africans, etc., etc., etc.

Never. I  like it to be difficult to enter into a post.

these people will never acknowledge that they have the full weight and endorsement of about every fortune 500 transnational company on their side. At least in terms of our “social values”

Star Trek sucks

So you’re doubling down on the Covington HS boys, eh? Nice work, I guess you’re not capable of embarrassment, which is probably a qualifying factor for you to write pieces like this. I’m sure Slate or The Jacobin will have a nice unpaid blogger slot for you when Gawker shits the bed again.

Yup. But it won’t be me. Too busy staying woke online.

“I didn’t know him, I wasn’t a fan.. but one thing many people are talking about is how much powerlifting he did. Every day, just in the gym, lifting weights. And he never used a spotter. Very dangerous. No one to spot. I don’t know anything about it. I’m too busy. As you know, I’m building a wall.. Tremendous