whoa whoa whoa kimosabe

He’s a flight risk, but the bigger risk is that he accidentally has a weight lifting accident and dies accidentally.

ZH used this index incessantly from 2011-2014 to evidence a global trade meltdown worse than 2008. Similarly, spikes don’t matter. Zoom out a decade and you’ll see why.

You should see how horribly this person is coping with not being a good troll.

I don’t claim to be clever, smart, or informed. In fact, I believe I am one of the dumber humans alive at the moment and that is saying something. Nor do I claim that anyone cares about me. They don’t and I know this. Not only that, but I completely understand why. Would you care about a blade of grass? So there is

I don’t claim to be clever, smart, or informed. In fact, I believe I am one of the dumber humans alive at the moment and that is saying something. Nor do I claim that anyone cares about me. They don’t and I know this. Not only that, but I completely understand why. Would you care about a blade of grass? So there is

Not so fast Mr. Downer! We still have all the international corporations on our side! Hey, that’s worth something in my book. In many ways they are a sovereign entity unto themselves and in many more ways do they advocate for complete and total permanent equality. From a revenue perspective this makes sense. Why

Were you banished for admitting you laughed at one of my comments yesterday?

I woke up this morning in a cold sweat. “Where am I?” was my first thought. I was in my bedroom, but I recognized nothing. Perhaps it was because I have not been able to sleep since before Trump’s infamous tweet and am delirious and malnourished. I am also quite depressed. All this has helped me lose quite a bit of

Kimmy, it’s not for you. It’s for me.

I have. This is not opinion, it is fact. Unless she meant to imply that she is like hot air, which is broadly considered speech without meaning, then she used the incorrect word for her last line. I have corrected that. Objectively, this is an improvement.

Someone needs to do something ASAP.

That Maya Angelou quote has always bugged me.

Rumor has it all the cuts have been to make room for Tomatoface’s gigantic salary. His new vertical is projected to be the “hottest” webpage of all time among 18-34 year olds. Not sure what that means. Industry speak maybe.

“Holding any secretary in criminal contempt of Congress is a serious and sober matter, one that I have done everything in my power to avoid.”